Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Time!

Happy Easter Day!

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SO..... BIG

So Anna and Rowan are now 9 months old. Where did the time go? I took the baby's to the doctor and she started talking about solid foods and how the baby's need to start on them. My mom then said "What there just baby's." the doctor then replayed "There almost 1 years old." my hart about stopped. I came home and looked at there pictures, and thought of the saying "Time Goes By So Fast" and I thought well it needs to slow down. I'm not ready for them to start growing up yet. There already crawling and soon they will be walking. Rowan's already trying. So yes time goes by so fast, it is true.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Mason Christmas

Wall Kids making our first anual Gingerbread house.

Anna and Cousin Jaelynn.

Grandma Mason with Rowan

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ann and Rowan's First Christmas

Family's First Christmas

I always understood the hustle and bustle of Christmas, but really I never new how crazy it can get with children. Now I understand why my mother was exhausted after the holidays. However it was a great first Christmas. I can't wait for more to come!